I'm the only person in the air it seems and when I ask the controller whether I should call RAF Wattisham next, he tells me they are closed and that if I want to talk to anyone en route at this time of night on a Saturday, ...
With the approach of the new month, the long, warm days of our Indian summer had turned suddenly more autumnal, and grey skies greeted me as I arrived at the Ampton estate in West Suffolk for a day's partridge shooting with Peter Rushbrook. ... that he was still getting to know several of the drives, though with many years of experience in running a quality partridge shoot on his family farm at Wattisham, in Suffolk, my guess is that it will not take him long to do so. ...
The review was initiated in back in 2005, when the MOD proposed to merge the helicopter fleet into a single Joint Helicopter Command (JHC) Battlefield Helicopter bEstate/b. This raised the always unwelcome spectre of base closures ? Odiham, Benson, bWattisham/b, Dishforth, and Yeovilton were all put under the spotlight, and have stayed there since. Lyneham too, set to be deprived of its C-130s, was highlighted, seemingly in the laudable quest to grant it some kind of future ...